While exploring the virtual grid for government-related sites, I stumbled across a virtual graveyard on the Prince Edward County (Ontario) island in Second Life. And while Second Life has several interesting cemeteries this one caught my attention because the builders had loaded some of the stones with historic narratives from the Prince Edward County area. Thinking about my previous cemetery post, I decided to load a quick update on the topic. Here is a photo of me standing near one of these stones as I listen to the tale of shipwrecks and dangerous vortexes.

The site was developed by the Virtual World Design Centre of Loyalist College. The Centre’s managing director, Kenny Hubble (Second Life name), was not online during my visit, or I would have asked him more about the build. If you are interested in using virtual technologies for teaching or tourism or even virtual cemeteries, I would highly recommend contacting Kenny in Second Life. Or if you want to just check out the cemetery for yourself, you can click this SLURL (you will need a free Second Life account to visit):
Cool, thanks for the coverage this is part of a broader social media strategy we have to Promote Prince edward County, attract attention and ultimately attract people to Live, Tour an Invest here.
We were Ken’s client on this project and he did a great job.
Let me know if you ever want to talk