Web 2.0, Web 3.0, virtual worlds: are these buzzwords and their related technologies something you really need to worry about? Studies, reports, and white papers seem to be saying “Yes.” And that is a big fat “yes” even if you work for government. In fact there are already a few of us government folks headed…
Tag: second life
Be2Camp Video/Slides Online
The Be2Camp held in London on Fri., Oct. 10, attracted about 50 people to the live event and almost 300 more to the Webcast and Second Life stream of the event. For anyone who missed it, the video stream and slides can now be viewed at the Be2Camp Website.
MuniGov 2.0 is Launched
A few weeks ago, I was introduced to Greever Wemyss (Second Life name) by a mutual friend who realized we both have an interest in local government and its use of Web 2.0 and virtual worlds. After a few discussions, we decided that we would create a Second Life group that is specifically focused on…
Web 2.0 and Public Works Presentation
Today, I am giving a presentation at the 2008 APWA Congress; my topic – virtual public works. My portion of the presentation will focus on the use of Web 2.0 tools in the public works and government sectors. Representatives from TEEX and World2Worlds are also participating. You can check out my presentation at this link….
Institute for Geospatial Analysis & Mapping in SL
The Institute for Geospatial Analysis & Mapping (GEOMAP) showed up in Second Life late last month on Geo Island – a sim set up by Zeppo Romano for the Geography-Geology Department at Illinois State University. The Institute supports research, education, and training, and community outreach activities. This build has also been interesting to me for…
Workshop Orientation
On Wed., Aug. 20, 2008, members of the Public Works Group will be giving a presentation at the American Public Works Association (APWA) Annual Congress & Exposition in New Orleans. The presentation is a workshop to introduce other public works professionals to virtual worlds and other online Web 2.0 tools. In preparation for the workshop,…
Civic Forum Launch
Starting today at 4pm SLT (PST), I will host a Civic Forum on Public Works island. This forum is intended to be an informal and open discussion about city government. So bring along your ideas, questions, concerns and teleport over to Public Works. Below is a little more background information on why I feel hosting…
More CAD Stuff
Just wanted to point everyone towards a CAD-related blog titled: “Virtual World Primer for CAD People” by Mark Burhop with Siemens PLM Software. Mark makes note of a lot of reasons why CAD and 3-D virtual worlds like Second Life fit together so well.
IBM Reports on Perpetual Collaboration
Since last year, I have seen a turn in attitude towards the use of Second Life as a viable business tool. Linden Lab has set up a dedicated effort to offer up Second Life as a business solution with its launch of the Second Life Grid program. And now businesses and mainstream media are starting…
Designers in Second Life Unite!
Theory Shaw and Keystone Bouchard, along with many other designers using Second Life, have been pushing for an import/export tool in the Second Life client that would allow us to easily bring designs into and out of the Second Life environment. Theory has set up a request for this feature on the JIRA site. Read…