The US EPA has started up a multimedia site at that offers videos, audio/podcasts, and images. Some of the videos and podcasts cover information about Radon, water infrastructure, indoor air quality, and other topics related to the environment. Visitors can also access an area of the site that allows for interaction between the EPA…
Free Concrete Pavement Design Manual – for the next month only!
I just found out that the Portland Cement Association is offering the Hydrologic Design of Pervious Concrete manual for free as a pdf download off their Web site for the next month only. The manual is a 72-page publication for engineers, landscape architects, developers, and other design professionals who are interested in designing or reviewing…
Jeff and Sadie’s Bricklayer Display
Jeff Brody and Sadie Edelman have collaborated on creating a cool bricklaying animation and display and have set it all up on the dock near the education display (under the wind turbine) on the Public Works sim. If you teleport to the island, look for the red poseball by the brick wall, right click on…
For all things pavement….
Throughout my travels in Second Life, I have seen the impressive vision expressed by people who work for government agencies located in the United States. There are a number of creative and innovative government employees who have seen the potential of using Second Life to better perform their jobs and to reach out to citizens…
Second Life Builds Take you from Cradle to Grave…
Well, maybe not really cradle to grave as in the lifetime of a person, but more in the lifetime of a project. Everyone seems to have realized the benefits that Second Life can offer during the planning stage of a project, but few have discussed how Second Life can be used throughout the remaining phases…
We have a Wiki!!!
At our first engineering meeting this year, Theory Shaw visited and suggested we develop a wiki for the projects that we were planning. What a great idea! He has been involved with the architecture group’s wiki and generously offered to set up a wiki for us. Wow, what a great guy. Our new wiki is…
Manhole Kit Now Available on Public Works
Ever since coming to Second Life, I have been working on ways to use the software to help me on my real life job. One of the items I have been working on is a Manhole Sizing Kit. Every now and then on a design, I am not really sure what diameter manhole would work…
What I want for Christmas
What I want for Christmas, at least from Second Life, is a scene exporter. Ok, maybe I won't get this for Christmas, but I would still be happy if I could get it sometime over the next year. Lately I have been working on a design project in Second Life that got me wondering how…
Too Much Down Time = Crazy Ideas
Ok, one more blog before I go back to work after being gone a full week. While traveling to and from Autodesk University, I was left with way too much down time to dream up new ideas. While only my coworkers and family are usually subjected to hearing about these, I decided to publish this…
Musings After a Week at AU
I just got back from spending a whole week attending Autodesk University, AU, and as usual have come away with a lot of knowledge, but also a lot of questions about the engineering profession and where it is going. At the opening session, there were presentations related to the future of design which were incredible….