Although this entry is not a direct synopsis from the recent APWA Snow Show that I attended, it is definitely related. My friend, Martin Brown, has a great blog about new technology being used in England for snow and ice control. You can check it out by visiting his fairsnape/isite blog.
Tag: snow removal
Control the Snow – Part 2
Continuing on with a synopsis of a few of the sessions I recently attended at the APWA Snow Show held in April of this year in Louisville, Kentucky: One of the great benefits of attending a conference is the chance to find out what is new in our industry from others who are already using…
Control the Snow
In today’s world, rapid changes in technology are even reaching into the world of snow and ice control. I just spend three days at the annual APWA Snow Show in Louisville, Kentucky, and learned an incredible amount of new information to take back home. On the first day, Richard Hanneman from the Salt Institute introduced…