Day 65 I really wanted to title this blog post: Today I Discovered Why We Have no Transportation Funds! The other day, I wrote about the BRT and Randall Road – the major corridor that runs through many of the communities in our area. In that post, I also mentioned the Route 529 study –…
Tag: BRT
A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 62
Day 62 Bus Rapid Transit Today a few of our staff attended a meeting at Sherman Hospital in Elgin. The county arranged for the meeting to discuss bus rapid transit (BRT) along the Randall road corridor. It was a well attended discussion that lasted for most of the morning. A representative began the presentations by…
2011 APWA Conference – Day 2
Below is a report of the 2nd Day of the National APWA Conference: General Session: Becoming a Community Builder – Leadership in Changing Times Day two of the 2011 APWA conference started with a general session, Becoming a Community Builder – Leadership in Changing Times, with keynote speaker, Ian Hill. He began by sharing…
BRT, PRT, and Human Behavior
I've blogged for some time about the benefits of a Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system because I believe there really are few other solutions that truly offer a comparable solution to the car. Unfortunately moving over to this type of system would take considerable time and funding so I'm not sure I'll see it in…