Our city just bought a new sign making machine to replace the old heat press antique that we had to make signs, and over the last couple weeks, our crew has been learning and becoming more familiar with this computer-based system. Now we are ready to begin our city-wide updating of our street and traffic…
Category: Public Works in the Metaverse
Communications – Oct 9th Meeting Log
Here is a PDF of the chat log for our Oct. 9th meeting discussing communications. OCT 9th Meeting Log
Cyber Trade Shows
Ok, I have finally attended a 3D virtual trade show related to the engineering industry. Unfortunately it was not held in Second Life. One of the attendees at our weekly engineering meeting, Kelvin Glimmer, brought up this Website where he had seen the trade show advertised. Since this is something that I have been waiting…
More Meetings
Well, we have managed to have a few more Tuesday evening meetings of those interested in engineering and SL. For now, the Tuesday nights at 4pm SLT seems to be working for everyone, and I have set up a meeting area for this purpose in the southwest corner of the sim around elevation 300. Each…
Engineer’s Meeting on Public Works Island
Well, I am back from APWA and back into the regular swing of things – pouring concrete, attending council meetings, upgrading our water plant, and still working on the Public Works sim in Second Life. This week a meeting was held on the island with a few members of the Second Life Society of Women…
New Home for the Public Works Group
After operating out of the Crystal Islands group for the last several months, the Public Works Group has finally been able to acquire their own island. This has allowed for a greater expansion of offerings, displays, and provides one area in which the engineering/public works community can interact. While the island is under development, it will…
Responsible Water Use in Second Life
The current issue of the SLEngineer magazine profiles the Center for Water Studies, a 3-D virtual build in Second Life that is owned and managed by Delia Lake. (Click here to read the issue: www.slengineer.org) Lake not only has built a creative and instructive site where SL users can learn more about responsible water use,…
The Grand Experiment
I often read about the complaints in Second Life about the development that occurs in the “mainland†area of this metaverse. For those of you who are not familiar with the term “mainland,” Second Life has two types of land. Mainland is the virtual land that is owned and terraformed by Linden Labs and sold to…
Round and Round
Although I have been enjoying the use and exploration of Second Life, I have to admit that it is beginning to make my RLÂ a bit more frustrating than usual. Aside from the usual perks of SL that simply cannot be implemented in RLÂ such as hovering names above avatars (great for people like me…
Public Works Center in Disarray
So, my public works center in Second Life is in disarray – It all started after I attended the International Technology Expo (ITE) in Second Life on Silicon City. I had gone with my alt to listen to a builder’s panel discussion about meeting a client’s expectations in Second Life. One of the panelists, Keystone…