The rise of mobile devices has allowed everyone to discover what those of us in public works have always known – geospatial technology is cool! Now everyone wants to know where people and things are and how to find them. Games and other applications are being developed based on location-based information. And to meet this…
Category: CAD
Using Unity3D to Simulate a City
Most of my exploration of virtual worlds for engineering has been in Second Life and OpenSim. However, this year I have been looking more at Unity3D. Engineers are conservative and seem to dismiss virtual worlds like Second Life and OpenSim. Even though these programs are 3D modeling tools, they don't resemble nor do they use…
Smart Tagging Engineering Plans
The city of Manor, Texas, has been successfully using QR codes for some time to convey information to citizens. And a while ago, I blogged about Microsoft tags – another method of conveying information through the use of a code and mobile reader. The Microsoft Tags have intrigued me because if you have time, you…
Stimulus Money Won’t Stimulate?
I am disappointed to have to write this blog post but wanted to make sure others were aware of what is happening due to the language of the Recovery Bill with respect to road construction. So far, from what I have been told by DOT employees, the only roads that will be eligible to receive…
Why Do Social Networks Hate My Avatar?
Ok, I am really starting to get a complex about my avatar. For the second time this year, I have tried to join a social/business network and been told by the administrator that they don’t let people stay in their network unless a “real” photo is used in the profile. In other words, “No Avatars…
More CAD Stuff
Just wanted to point everyone towards a CAD-related blog titled: “Virtual World Primer for CAD People” by Mark Burhop with Siemens PLM Software. Mark makes note of a lot of reasons why CAD and 3-D virtual worlds like Second Life fit together so well.
Siemens PLM Software Scavenger Hunt On Now
In my last blog entry, I mentioned that Siemens PLM Software was hosting several events this month on their island in Second Life. Along with the presentations, the company is offering a scavenger hunt on the Siemens Innovation Connection island from 10 A.M. (EST) May 28 to 10 A.M. (EST) June 23. Visitors to the…
Siemens PLM Software – Making CAD Easier and Even More Fun to Use
Siemens PLM Software has hosted a few events recently in the virtual world of Second Life that have been fun and interesting for anyone interested in CAD. And according to their calendar, this is just the beginning. During one of these events, held on May 20, the company hosted a live launch of its Velocity…
Musings After a Week at AU
I just got back from spending a whole week attending Autodesk University, AU, and as usual have come away with a lot of knowledge, but also a lot of questions about the engineering profession and where it is going. At the opening session, there were presentations related to the future of design which were incredible….